How can you help?

  1. INTERVIEWS: A big part of the preservation is getting the story. If you know someone that I should reach out to or YOU are someone I need to interview, please reach out to me.

  2. ARCHIVES: I will preserve and display that box of matchbooks and pins and medals you have that has been sitting in the garage for the last 30 years. Please reach out and I’ll provide information on where to send it.

  3. EQUIPMENT: I hope to turn all of this into a documentary. To do that I need equipment. I have put together an Amazon List of what I will need in order to get high quality audio and video.

  4. SUPPLIES. To preserve and display the archives I need supplies. I have added items to the Amazon list.

  5. FUNDS: This will help with administration. One big expense we currently have is the IRS application for the non-profit status. All of this is currently out of pocket.